Saturday, October 04, 2008

Soccer Mom Plays Softball

I have just one question for John McCain and his advisers. What was the basis for the choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate?

Did anyone actually sit down with her and ask some hard questions -- the kind she might be asked as a Vice Presidential candidate? Or did you check out photos of her in a swimsuit and think that she made a better impression that Hillary Clinton would in the same attire?

When she announced during the debate with Joe Biden that she might not answer questions as her opponent or the moderator expected, did you think that the voting public might wonder if she ever would or could answer hard questions? Did you feel at all disappointed that she gave irrelevant and ungrammatical replies from a scripted list most of the time?

In my opinion Sarah Palin does not disappoint in her public statements; not if you expect that she will fall far short of inspiring confidence that if McCain dies in office she will ably replace him.

President Palin? God forbid.

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