Saturday, April 19, 2008


Barack Obama has been the recipient of benefits he does not deserve. In my opinion, he has been adulated and praised more for his charisma, charm, and oratory than for anything substantial. If you caught the moment at the beginning of the debate with Hillary Clinton when the camera zoomed in on him for the first time and he mechanically turned on his now familiar big smile, then you saw the real Obama -- a shallow character (although perhaps a deep thinker) far removed from the people.

Yet people still adore him, a man who would and does say anything, even fudging the truth when it's obvious, in order to be president

We don't need another manufactured candidate like Bush was. He is not tried, he is not true to the people who cheer him like a rock star. If he can't stand up to Clinton do you really think that he will stand up to McCain if nominated?

Choose Obama and the Democrats will choose defeat once again. I don't want another Republican president and I fear that will happen if BHO is nominated.

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