Try Ablutions of the Brain
But the foot baths are being installed because it came to the attention of university administrators, possibly by way of janitors, that puddles of water were appearing on the floors of the toilets, some sinks were coming loose from the wall, and finally, a student was injured by falling down while washing her feet in a sink.
Now there were several courses the university could have taken. One was the common sense one of advising the Muslim Council or whichever responsible party they chose, that the situation with slippery wet floors was dangerous to all students, and that sinks were damaged. In order to prevent these conditions from continuing, and in light of the religious needs of Muslim students, that if the Muslim authorities agreed, the university would install foot baths for them and send the bill to the aforementioned authorities.
Of course if it were handled that way the university's claim that the foot baths could be used by anyone might not no longer be valid (if it ever was) because the Muslim students might object that since the installation was paid for by their religious leaders, then infidels have no right to stick their feet in them.
The university, concerned about litigation perhaps, decided to have their lawyers rule on the question of the foot baths with the result that they decided it was constitutional to install them. Non-Muslims who are agitated about the baths might consider whether their feelings have any relation to the treatment of minorities in the days of their parents or grandparents. Those were times when the entire population more or less followed Christian days of rest, holidays, etc., although concessions were made, for example, for orthodox Jews in NYC to keep their businesses open on Sunday (when that was illegal) as they could not work on Saturday.
But times change. It would be better if they change regarding religion with the least interference, negatively or positively, in religious practices. I suppose it is too late to bill the Muslims for the plumbing. Besides they never even asked for it.
Keep the Xmas trees in the parks in December, along with any and all religious symbols. But don't make us pay for plumbing that we don't all use.
Labels: American Muslims, Muslim Foot Baths in Universities, Ritual Bathing

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