....I am mildly bemused and irritated that in general only American Indians are referred to as "Native Americans." I am a natural-born American too but it is vaguely not PC to call myself a native American. Okay, their ancestors were here before mine arrived in the 19th Century, but perhaps there were other people here before the "native Americans" arrived.
....The word "boutique" may be thought to be cool and trendy, but it's just "a small shop, esp. one that sells clothes and accessories for women" (American College Dictionary). Now I'm not one that demands that words be strictly held to their original meaning, as language is a living, growing organism. The frequent current use of "boutique hotel" is, however, definitely over-used. Do they mean that it is small, is it meant to imply it's fashionable and trendy, that only celebs and fashionistas are welcome? They never say.
....Maybe I'm dim, but at the onset of dusk, or on a gray, overcast day, while driving I turn on my low beams. But I am invariably blinded by approaching cars with high beams turned on. Sometimes I flash my brights at oncoming cars and they turn down their high beams. Why are some drivers so thoughtless and inconsiderate? Why do they use such blindingly bright lights even when on well lit roads and even before it is fully dark? Of course my eyes are especially sensitive as they are aging, but I've never understood this bright light phenomenon.
....Since "Pro Life" is supposed to be the opposite of "Pro Choice" it should be called "Anti Choice."
....This is the time of year when some Christians are often vociferous in opposing such signs of holiday cheer as brilliantly lit shopping districts (especially when it starts too long before Christmas) and seem to feel that the love of Santa Clause is inimical to Christian worship. Father Christmas even made an unwelcome appearance at church services in England. The anti-Christmas-consumerists don't care that all the December marketing gives a boost to the economy, which seems like a good thing, and they surely cannot put a stop to reindeer, elves, inflatable snowmen and over-the-top spending this time of year. Is there any solution to this unchristian complaining and hostility?
Well, maybe we all need to remember that early Christians stole the date of christmas in the first place, in order to exploit the popularity of the pagan festival in December. So there really is no disrespect of the holy season by non-believers and intermittent believers. They are all just doing what they did before the birth of Christ, going back to god knows when, in the mists of prehistory, and so are many church-going Christians, whose ancestors were also pagan. Let's just see it as two separate holidays which overlap, one of which disdains the other.
I wish you all a Good Yuletide, Merry Christime, Jolly Winter Solstice, and a damn good New Year.
....I am mildly bemused and irritated that in general only American Indians are referred to as "Native Americans." I am a natural-born American too but it is vaguely not PC to call myself a native American. Okay, their ancestors were here before mine arrived in the 19th Century, but perhaps there were other people here before the "native Americans" arrived.
....The word "boutique" may be thought to be cool and trendy, but it's just "a small shop, esp. one that sells clothes and accessories for women" (American College Dictionary). Now I'm not one that demands that words be strictly held to their original meaning, as language is a living, growing organism. The frequent current use of "boutique hotel" is, however, definitely over-used. Do they mean that it is small, is it meant to imply it's fashionable and trendy, that only celebs and fashionistas are welcome? They never say.
....Maybe I'm dim, but at the onset of dusk, or on a gray, overcast day, while driving I turn on my low beams. But I am invariably blinded by approaching cars with high beams turned on. Sometimes I flash my brights at oncoming cars and they turn down their high beams. Why are some drivers so thoughtless and inconsiderate? Why do they use such blindingly bright lights even when on well lit roads and even before it is fully dark? Of course my eyes are especially sensitive as they are aging, but I've never understood this bright light phenomenon.
....Since "Pro Life" is supposed to be the opposite of "Pro Choice" it should be called "Anti Choice."
....This is the time of year when some Christians are often vociferous in opposing such signs of holiday cheer as brilliantly lit shopping districts (especially when it starts too long before Christmas) and seem to feel that the love of Santa Clause is inimical to Christian worship. Father Christmas even made an unwelcome appearance at church services in England. The anti-Christmas-consumerists don't care that all the December marketing gives a boost to the economy, which seems like a good thing, and they surely cannot put a stop to reindeer, elves, inflatable snowmen and over-the-top spending this time of year. Is there any solution to this unchristian complaining and hostility?
Well, maybe we all need to remember that early Christians stole the date of christmas in the first place, in order to exploit the popularity of the pagan festival in December. So there really is no disrespect of the holy season by non-believers and intermittent believers. They are all just doing what they did before the birth of Christ, going back to god knows when, in the mists of prehistory, and so are many church-going Christians, whose ancestors were also pagan. Let's just see it as two separate holidays which overlap, one of which disdains the other.
I wish you all a Good Yuletide, Merry Christime, Jolly Winter Solstice, and a damn good New Year.

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