Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mexican Border Fence Hurts Some Feelings

My, don't some people take things too personally? Now I've read that a member of the Mexican government has complained bitterly about plans to build a fence between the U. S. and Mexico. He also thinks we should let up on illegal immigration.

Is there any country that receives more advice and criticism on the way it handles its external and internal affairs than the U.S.A.? But let's look at the advice and criticism before we reject it.

We're all for being good neighbors yet in that regard consider the old Mexican lament, "Our curse is that we are so far from God and so close to the United States." Yet Americans just love Mexico as it's a marvellous place to visit even though not everybody wants to live there (yet I've never heard any complaints from American retirees living down there.) So I assume that (some) Mexicans love the income that comes from tourism, much of it American.

Yet some day a wall might be built. But maybe not as an insult to any ethnic group. Maybe it, like enforcing immigration laws and regulations, has more to do with the perception (and experience) that an uprotected border is an invitation to criminals and other terrorists as well as people intent on immigrating in their own way. Besides, I've always felt that a government that doesn't protect its borders in every way is not worth the salary we pay it to do its job.

Amigos, I love your people, beaches, music, and god, I love your food, but try not to be so over-sensitive. And to those who are agitating for southwestern areas to secede from the United States: hey, we have feelings too.


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